AIA 2022 Recap

With over 12,000 registrations and 15,000 attendees, AIA 2022 was unquestionably a hit. Conference goers flocked to Chicago for the first in-person conference since 2019, excitedly attempting to fit as much into their busy four days as possible.

Attendees had the opportunity to take several architectural tours around the city, visiting Chicago neighborhoods, landmarks, and major firms. Educational seminars were an attractive draw, as architects seek out AIA as one of the two main sources for continued education credits. Keynote speakers included Chicago Sun-Times architecture critic Lee Bey, Studio Gang founder Jeanne Gang, and even former President Barack Obama, whose presidential library was a focus of several conference sessions.

TSS had four of our ballistic experts in attendance, including three sales representatives and an engineer. In the booth, we had ballistic glass samples on hand, featuring shot Laminated Polycarbonate (LP1250) panels, as well as a number of glazing and fiberglass samples. In the picture of our staff in the booth, the large display panel on the left shows bullets suspended in the window, demonstrating firsthand how effective our LP1250 laminated polycarbonate is at stopping bullets.

At the show we also promoted our online CE course “Bulletproof Glass and Bullet-Resistant Barriers” that is approved by 25 different accreditation providers. Additionally, the TV in our booth showed video footage from our live-fire product demonstrations and webinars. TSS also provided attendees with a QR code to take them directly to the Bullet-Resistant product resources available on our website, such as Data Sheets, CAD Files, 3-Part Spec Sheets, and Drawings.

Be sure to visit our website for updates on the conferences and shows we will exhibit at this year. Next up is the 2022 ASHE Annual Conference in Boston, MA, July 17-20. Perhaps we will see you there!


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If you have questions or would like to learn more about our capabilities, products, or how we can work together, please contact us today to request a consultation.