What Are the Best Heavy-Duty Security Doors?

Your organization’s specific threat profile is what determines the “best” heavy-duty security doors for you. This can be very different for different organizations. “Heavy duty” can also mean different things to different people. 

That’s why choosing the right heavy-duty security door matters, and why we’re so committed to not only offering heavy-duty security doors that can withstand the most common serious threats, but educating consumers on their options, too. 

In this article, we’ll discuss three styles of heavy-duty security doors:

  • Level 8 TSS Bullet-Resistant Steel Door
  • TSS Fire-Rated Bullet-Resistant (FRBR) Doors
  • TSS Forced-Entry Bullet-Resistant (FEBR) Doors 

Choosing Bullet-Resistant Steel Doors, FRBR Doors, or FEBR Doors

If you’re concerned about a specific threat or need to comply with organizational security standards, we recommend looking for a steel security door that has been third-party tested to withstand that particular threat.  

Level 8 Bullet-Resistant Steel Door

Level 8 is the highest commercially-available rating for ballistic steel doors seen outside military applications. “Level 8” refers to the UL 752 bulletproofing standard for barrier systems. A door tested to the UL 752 Level 8 standard will withstand tight groups of five or more shots from a high-powered rifle as well as a large number of shots from a range of other pistols and long guns. TSS’s Level 8 doors are available in four configurations: flush-assembly slab, half-vision window, narrow side-lite window, or small view-lite window. They can accept a range of hardware and access control systems. 


Level 8 ballistic barrier systems are a significant investment, and are best for a facility that may be the target of significant threats, such as a government office or checkpoint.

Fire-Rated Bullet-Resistant (FRBR) Doors 

TSS offers Fire-Rated Bullet-Resistant (FRBR) doors in various bullet-resistance levels with a range of fire ratings. 

Doors with Level 1 through Level 3 bullet resistance are rated to stop shots from the most common handguns. These doors can come as flush-assembly slabs with no window, or with any of the following window styles: a large full-vision window, a smaller half-vision window, a narrow side-lite window, or a small view-lite window. 

UL Level 4 through Level 8 doors offer enhanced ballistic security, stopping a range of high-powered rifles, submachine guns, and tactical rifles. They are available only as windowless flush slabs.


FRBR doors can have 20-, 45-, 60-, 90-, or 180-minute fire ratings. These doors are tested as completed and mounted door assemblies, and are available as certified and rated units by default. Those tests include positive- and negative-pressure tests, which determine the degree to which the doors protect against smoke, hot gasses, and fumes. Testing methods also determine the potential for erosion or breach caused by cold water striking a hot door when firefighters arrive. 

These testing conditions accurately reflect the reality of most structural fires and the door’s capability to protect occupants while containing the fire. There are more customization options for UL Level 1 through Level 3 FRBR doors, including different locksets, closers, and more.

FRBR doors are some of the most popular heavy-duty security doors we offer. This is because they meet both safety and security needs, as well as complying with nationwide building codes, regulations, and guidelines.

Forced-Entry, Bullet-Resistant (FEBR) Doors 

Forced-Entry Bullet-Resistant (FEBR) doors have been tested to a series of strict standards set by government and independent agencies, and can reliably withstand the efforts of an organized team of well-equipped armed attackers. During testing, a team of up to six attackers works to breach the door using hammers, sledgehammers, an ax, crowbars, a battering ram, a propane torch, and other tools. These doors are also tested for bullet resistance in accordance with the UL 752 standards.

Depending on what combinations of forced-entry and bullet resistance you need, FEBR doors are available in a flush-assembly slab with or without a peephole, half vision, side lite, and view lite.


TSS’s current generation of FEBR doors are available in UL Level 3 and UL Level 8 bullet resistance. Level 3 doors stop groups of three or more shots from any pistol. These FEBRs are rated for five-, 15-, 30-, or 60-minute mob attacks. FEBR doors are increasingly popular in a wide range of government buildings, and in high-security settings like data centers.

What Should I Look for in a Heavy-Duty Security Door?

The most important things to check on any heavy-duty security door are the standards it’s been tested against. If you want a door that stops bullets or attackers and keeps your staff safe long enough for first responders to arrive, you need to know the door has actually been tested to and meets meaningful security standards. 

Four important standards to look for when evaluating heavy-duty security doors:

Forced-Entry Standards

  • ASTM  F3038: The Standard Test Method for Timed Evaluation of Forced-Entry Resistant Systems
  • DOS SD-STD-01.01 Rev. G (Amended): The Department of State Certification Standard for the Forced-Entry and Ballistic Resistance of Structural Systems

Fire-Resistance Standards

  • UL 10C: The Standard for Positive-Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies

Bullet-Resistance Standards

  • UL 752: The Standard for Bullet-Resisting Equipment

These are the standards to which all TSS rated doors are tested by independent third-party testing labs. Anyone claiming to offer building materials or finished components that meet these standards should be able to furnish documentation from the independent third-party testing lab or Nationally Rated Testing Laboratory that ran the tests. 

Secure Your Facility with TSS’ Heavy Duty Security Doors

Over the past several decades, TSS has helped organizations nationwide secure their facilities. As threats have evolved, we’ve added and created new products to meet those threats, including fire and forced-entry. Ready to take the next step and add heavy-duty security doors to your building? Contact our ballistic security experts to learn more or request a quote today.


Talk to an Expert

If you have questions or would like to learn more about our capabilities, products, or how we can work together, please contact us today to request a consultation.