Certified CEU Course On Bulletproof Barriers For Architects

At TSS, we have decades of experience with bulletproof barrier design and implementation and we believe in sharing our expertise with others. To that end, we are now offering a free, online Certified CEU Course For Architects on the fundamentals of bullet-resistant security. This course covers the basics of bulletproof materials and design, as well as several common misconceptions that have gained traction among some builders and end-users.

We’re passionate about sharing what we know because we’ve seen what happens on a project when the architect or designer doesn’t understand bulletproof basics.

Bob George — Senior Sales Consultant for Total Security Solutions—has had situations where he’s found himself going around in circles with a designer or architect insisting on no-spall glazing in their high-security project.

“Finally, we get around to the fact that they’ve been given the impression that the only safe bullet-resistant glazing is ‘no-spall’ glazing. But in lots of situations, low-spall is perfectly safe. In fact, in this case, low-spall was more suitable, because it’s easier for the end-user to clean and maintain.”

Architects CEU Course Breaks Down Bulletproof Barrier Systems

This free hour-long online course covers the fundamentals of bullet-resistant materials, components, and barrier systems. As Bob explains, “We don’t just focus on glazing [with this course], but talk about all the component products that make up a barrier, and the kind of thinking that needs to guide you in determining the right barrier system for your project.  Once they take a harder look at bullet resistant materials, they immediately begin to appreciate the nuances.”

Topics include:

  • An introduction to bullet-resistant materials and system types
  • An overview of fabrication processes
  • A discussion of planning, execution, installation, and cost considerations

The course includes case studies and sample security design checklists for schools and government buildings. The course also addresses several extremely important misunderstandings about bullet-resistant materials. For example, very few end-users appreciate the importance of proper cleaning. Common cleaning products can have adverse long-term effects on certain bulletproof materials. An architect may want to suggest different materials or solutions if it seems likely that the end-user will have difficulty with consistent and proper cleaning. Additionally, news reports have lead to a few extremely common misunderstandings about some security products, like window security films. Improper application of these can fundamentally compromise security.

“So far,” Bob adds, “The course has been very successful. It has a higher-than-average rate of engagement and completion when compared to similar programs.”

Meeting Standards For Continuing Education For Architects

Jim Richards, CEO of TSS, has long hoped to find a way to deepen the appreciation of bullet resistant design and materials.

“We’ve wanted to offer a course like this for a long time,” he says. “But wanted to wait until we had the resources and bandwidth to do it right. This is that course.”

The architects certified CEU Course is being hosted by AEC Daily. They are one of the largest continuing education unit (CEU) providers to the construction, architecture, interior design, and engineering communities. AEC Daily is an established leader in continuing education. They are an RCEP-approved continuing education provider, as well as an FBPE-approved and ICC Preferred Provider. They offer free self-paced courses, which include automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada.

This course meets the standards and requirements of the Registered Continuing Education Program and qualifies for HSW. AIA, ACIA, AIBD, AIC, CCIDC, IIBEC, InterNACHI, NARI, RMMI, AIBC, CAHPI, CSC, and BOMI have approved this course. It also qualifies for BOMI Institute Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit for RPA, FMA, and/or SMA graduates, as well as ICC Certification Renewal (AEC Daily is an ICC Preferred Provider). This program also meets NAHB’s continuing education requirements for one or more of the following designations:

  • CGA (Certified Graduate Associate)
  • CGB (Certified Graduate Builder)
  • CGR (Certified Graduate Remodeler)
  • GMB (Graduate Master Builder)
  • GMR (Graduate Master Remodeler)

It is a Structured Course under the auspices of the AAA (Alberta Association of Architects) and NWTAA and may apply to both structured and unstructured learning for the purposes of OAA certification. This is an approved core course or core learning activity by AANB, AAPEI, NLAA, and SAA. This course qualifies for self-directed learning activity with the OAQ.


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