Quick Ship Products: The Same Quality Bulletproof Products…Fast

Forgot to order a transaction window? No problem. Don’t need a custom solution? We can still help.

Currency TrayAs part of our Quick Ship program, Total Security Solutions offers a variety of standard bullet resistant products available to ship within an average of three business days. Quick Ship products range from cash trays and bullet resistant fiberglass, which are the most frequently ordered Quick Ship products, to select package passers, wood doors and baffle interior transaction windows.

We receive calls regularly from millworkers looking to order sheets of bullet-resistant fiberglass to use in the construction of countertops or behind wood panels. It is for situations like this that our Quick Ship program is ideal. We offer several standard size sheets of bullet-resistant fiberglass ready to ship within an average of three business days.

When it comes to the PE package passer (interlocking), people don’t typically want custom. The PE package passer is a rectangular box built from transparent bullet resistant glazing material, with doors on the customer and employee sides. A mechanical interlocking mechanism prevents the opening of both doors simultaneously, allowing packages to be passed through a barrier without a breach of security. Smaller package passers are commonly used in pharmacies for passing pill bottles, whereas large package passers might be used to pass cable boxes in a cable company office or even items as large as a chain saw at a pawn shop. While they can be built any size, we always keep two typical sizes in stock and ready to ship: Standard (Box OD 14″ W x 14″ H x 14″ D) and Large (Box OD 16″ W x 14″ H x 14″ D).

Rotary Package PasserAnother package passer option available through our Quick Ship program is the rotary package passer. Most frequently used in exterior applications at gas stations, pharmacies, or fast food restaurants with a walk-up counter, the rotary package passer enables staff to secure the doors at night and continue to transact business. Consisting of an outer shell of bullet-resistant materials, the inner revolving unit, built of the same materials plus a clear vision window, opens on one side only, allowing packages to be passed through a barrier between customer and employee without a breach of security. The outer dimensions of our standard rotary package passer are 18″ W x 20″ H x 14″ D.

Of our full line of transaction windows, the baffle interior transaction window is the most regularly ordered. For situations where someone forgot to order a transaction window upfront or a low-level retailer wants one quickly, we offer a variety of sizes on-hand and ready to ship. In most cases, however, once a customer finds out it can be made to order and shipped in about two weeks, they order something custom. “Custom makes us special,” said Jim Richards, vice-president of Total Security Solutions.

Total Security Solutions offers a variety of standard bullet-resistant products available to ship within an average of three business days as part of our Quick Ship program. Products range from our 2-piece channel and currency tray to bullet resistant fiberglass. Learn more about our available Quick Ship products.

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