Bulletproof Glass Considerations For Financial Institutions

It should be pretty apparent why it’s a good idea for bank managers to consider bulletproof glass as part of their overall security plans. Due to many daily transactions that take place inside banks, as well as the allure of a big score, banks are susceptible to violent crime. To maintain optimal safety, while not interfering with the bank staff’s daily job functions, Total Security Solutions recommends integrating a freestanding bullet resistant barrier system into the design of the bank interior. Before creating a bank security plan or incorporating a bullet resistant barrier system, we recommend consulting with an expert in bank security. Together, you can determine the best solution for everyone’s security.

Bank Security Considerations

When working with a security expert, there are several considerations that go into making an assessment and security recommendation.

bank security

Questions that need to be considered include:

  • What are the main security issues in the neighborhood where my bank is located?
  • What is the perceived risk and threat level of each security issue?
  • What would be the consequences if these issues occurred?
  • What would it take to repair the physical damage? Is there any danger to personal safety?
  • What is the cost-benefit of implementing a bullet resistant barrier over other security solutions like a security guard

In terms of location, are you in a crowded metropolitan area? A rural area? Close to a main traffic artery or freeway? The answers to these questions will have a definite influence on the perceived risks and security needs.

Bank bulletproof glassBulletproof Glass For Bank Security

If you determine that a bullet resistant barrier is part of your security plan, you’ll want a system that incorporates the following:

  • Freestanding Bullet Resistant Barrier System implemented at the teller line area using Acrylic or Polycarbonate Bulletproof Glass
  • Bullet resistant paneling and fiberglass for added structural support and security
  • Bullet resistant accessories such as currency trays, package passers, and voice transmission systems (as applicable for your custom design)
  • Bullet resistant doors installed within the barrier, as well as in entryways to the safe, internal offices, and safety deposit box storage area

Most of the bank barriers we work on use Level 1 glass, but Level 3 is an option for larger banks or banks in areas with greater perceived threat levels. If you have any further questions about bank security and how to incorporate bulletproof glass into a comprehensive plan, contact us today.

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If you have questions or would like to learn more about our capabilities, products, or how we can work together, please contact us today to request a consultation.