How to Stagger Your School Security Improvement Budget and Priorities

Schools are often forced to make difficult decisions when it comes to their physical security projects. Pressure from stakeholders, timelines, and funding sources all impact which projects get completed and when. As a result, districts are not able to implement every improvement they want to make. 

However, there are strategies administrators can use to address security challenges over the long term. We’ve helped schools across the country improve their security and meet their goals; in this article, we’ll break down what you need to know. 

Understand the Foundational Principles of School Physical Security 

If your goal is to prevent armed attacks, your security should deny and delay entry to bad actors. If they do enter the school, your physical security system should contain them, denying access to the rest of the building. 

Importantly, barriers are not designed to withstand indefinite assault. In most cases, if attackers can’t gain immediate access through a window or door, they’ll give up and move on. If they do make it inside, strategically placed barriers should contain them until first responders arrive. 
Containment can be achieved by a set of bulletproof double doors (also known as a man trap) or locking bulletproof doors that section off hallways, the gymnasium, athletic entrances, or other areas. These doors prevent the assailant from not only proceeding into the school, but shooting through the doors as well. 

Inside, bulletproof barriers offer protection for vulnerable spaces such as the administrative office, conference rooms or computer labs, or other communicable areas. 
How to Stagger Your Ballistic Upgrades
If your ballistic upgrades are limited by budget, we typically advise schools to follow this order when deciding on which upgrade projects to implement:

  1. Entrances
    • Front entrance: entry doors, side lites, and windows
    • Athletic entrance: doors, side lites, or windows
  2. Vulnerable areas near the front entrance: windows or the administrative office
  3. Interior doors
    • Hallway doors
    • Cafeteria or gymnasium doors
  4. Safe rooms
  5. Classroom doors, side lites, and exterior windows

For detailed recommendations of how to secure a school facility, join Jim Richards on a walkthrough of a school for suggestions based on real life. 

When we make recommendations about staggering security upgrades, this is usually the order we recommend. However, what’s right for your school will depend on your unique situation. This includes threats, opportunities, and other variables. To get started learning what’s right for your school, contact TSS

TSS Can Make Recommendations for Staggering Your Security Budget

Securing the main entrance and funneling the majority of visitors to that location is one of the most important things you can do to improve your school’s security. 

Beyond this specific improvement, we always recommend speaking with an experienced bulletproof security expert about how to stagger your investments. The choices you make depend specifically on your school layout, existing security features, context, and security threats and goals

Navigate Budgets and Security Trends with TSS

Total Security Solutions has helped schools across the country navigate changing security requirements for years. We meet administrators on site to learn their needs and make recommendations based on all the factors that impact their decision-making process. We never recommend products, solutions, or systems that schools don’t need, and often work with other vendors and specialists to help schools achieve their security goals. Our deep expertise and experience allow us to come alongside administrators to make logical and informed decisions.

Importantly, we put your security first. We never recommend products or services you don’t need; often we find ourselves talking our customers down from the highest levels of ballistic protection to a level that more appropriately reflects their needs. If you’re considering improving your security or would like a partner who can walk you through your options, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our team may be able to meet you on-site to view your school facility and make specific recommendations. To learn more, please request a consultation



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If you have questions or would like to learn more about our capabilities, products, or how we can work together, please contact us today to request a consultation.