20 Common Physical Security Terms For Grant Applications
Many non-profit organizations, schools, community centers and houses of worship apply for security grants to help fund...
Easy-Care, Durable School Security Windows
Total Security Solutions Senior Sales Consultant Bob George recently received these photos from a school in Florida,...
The Dangers of School Door Barricades
Door barricades are an attractive solution: For just a few thousand dollars a school can outfit every single classroom...
Innovations in School Security Windows: Safer Windows, More Light
For decades schools have focused on “shatterproof” security windows. This made sense when the gravest threats to our...
School Safety & Privacy Under Digital Surveillance Systems
Are students safer in school districts that watch their every move on social media? Some schools have started using...
School Safety Planning: Think Broadly, Plan Specifically
The school year is done. It’s a good time to take a deep breath and a clear-eyed look at school safety planning.