Cost and Pricing of a Bulletproof Glass System For Schools

While it seems like summer is a long time from now, the truth is, if you’re planning on having bulletproof glass installed in your school over the summer break, the time to plan is now. Typical production time for the components needed for a proper bullet resistant barrier system is 4-8 weeks depending on the type of glazing and bulletproof glass needed. Acrylic and Polycarbonate bulletproof glass production time, while Glass Clad Polycarbonate is closer to 6 – 8 weeks. Keep in mind, these lead times don’t account for planning or shipping. Once you start building the timeline, it becomes pretty apparent why school officials who plan to make any building improvements during the summer months should begin planning now.

The reality of the education system is one where funding and budgets are getting cut. A lot of times, when we speak with a school administrator or an architect working on school building renovations, we discover the original scope of the project is unrealistic. Of course, this is driven by the fierce desire to protect children and give them a safe place to learn, but to do a job as scoped initially, schools would have to pay about $1 million. That’s because most schools ask about replacing every window in the building, which is too costly and inefficient. When looking at past school shootings, the criminal went inside the school and committed the crime. Because of that, Total Security Solutions recommends fortifying the school entry points instead. Fortifying your entrances and implementing a locking mechanism to control who comes into the building offers a much more affordable security option.

secure school door and entryway

Components of a Bulletproof Glass Barrier in Schools

When considering a school with a single entry point, you’ll want to fortify the school entryway doors and side glass panels and interior vestibule. The barrier should also include:

  • Level 3 Glass Clad Polycarbonate for door entryway and side panels because of heavy flow of traffic and exposure to the elements
  • Level 3 Ballistic Doors (aluminum is the typical material used, but steel is also an option)
  • Automated Locking Mechanism with entrance buzzer in vestibule area
  • Level 3 Acrylic or Polycarbonate Transaction Window, as well as Bullet Resistant Paneling and Counter tops to box in the vestibule area

Cost of a School Bulletproof Glass Barrier

The components described above are for a typical barrier configuration for a school with a single entry point. While prices vary for this type of set up due to the custom nature of the design needed for optimal protection and functionality in a school setting, expect to pay upwards of $25,000 or more for the barrier components and installation. This price can fluctuate based on accessories, hardware, number of entrances you want protected, and overall lineal feet of framing. If you have any questions about incorporating a bullet resistant barrier in schools, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our design experts today.

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