Our Bulletproof Utility Office Projects

Bulletproof Utility Office Projects | TSS

Bulletproofing Utilities Offices

Utilities office security is unique; it’s not uncommon for utility office visitors to become verbally abusive, or even aggressive if their service is disrupted. In these situations, many utilities companies choose to install bulletproof barriers as a preventative measure and to give their staff peace of mind. 

No matter what type of threats you want to protect from, TSS is ready to help. We have designed, engineered, fabricated, and installed bulletproof barriers all around the country over 20 years, and are ready to help you secure your space.

TSS Has Designed and Fabricated
Bulletproof Glass for Utilities Offices Across the Country

Utility Teller Line Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows Utilities Office Bulletproof Transaction Windows

Utilities offices are some of the most critical pieces of our infrastructure. Keeping workers safe in this important sector has always been a priority for our team—and we’re proud to offer industry-leading solutions to the organizations we work with.

Our team has secured offices across the country, including: 
  • Power companies
  • Natural gas companies
  • Water utilities companies
  • Electrical companies
  • Utilities services 
Most importantly, We know how to give your team the protection they need without disrupting the welcoming, service-oriented design of your facility. We always build bulletproof barriers custom to our customers’ facilities, so you can trust that your barrier will fit perfectly, blend in with its environment, and protect the way you need it to.

Types of Bulletproof Barriers We Provide for Utilities Offices

If you’re worried about gun violence threats, we can help secure your utilities office. Our bulletproofing products and services includes:

TSS also has extensive custom capabilities; if you have a unique security need, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. After 20 years in business, our team of craftsmen is exceptionally skilled at creating bulletproof barriers that fit unique specifications.

The TSS team designs, engineers, and fabricates custom bulletproof solutions based on your utility office’s unique needs. If you’re looking for bulletproof solutions that protect your team without disrupting the aesthetics of your space or impeding communication, don’t wait to contact TSS.

Bulletproof Utilities Project Highlight: Clark Energy

Bulletproof Utilities - Clark Energy Case Study Bulletproof Utilities - Clark Energy Case Study Bulletproof Utilities - Clark Energy Case Study

Clark Energy, a nonprofit electric utility company based in Kentucky, approached TSS about installing bulletproof barriers in their remote, rural branch offices. However, they didn’t want a visually obtrusive barrier. TSS designed a custom, low-profile transaction window system. This made the system disappear into the background while providing the safety features the Clark Energy staff needed to feel “10 times better.”

Read the Case Study

How TSS Helps You Protect What Matters Most

If you’re considering integrating bulletproof barriers into your utilities office, don’t wait to talk to TSS. Whether you’d like to request a quote or simply discuss your options, our team is ready to learn more about your office, the types of clients you work with, and how TSS can help you protect what matters most.

For decades, we have designed, fabricated, engineered, and installed bulletproof barriers in all types of utilities offices all across the country. We used our experience to create a proven process that we use to ensure we get everything right the first time, every time.

To learn more about our proven process visit our capabilities page.

TSS Is Your Expert Ballistic Barrier Provider

If you’re considering adding a ballistic barrier to your utilities office, don’t wait to talk to TSS. Whether you’re ready to request a quote or simply want to discuss your options, our team is ready to speak with you. 

We have decades of experience designing, fabricating, engineering, and installing ballistic barriers in utilities offices and facilities across the country. To get started, contact our team today.