Ballistic Glass and Door Videos
There are many different ballistic glass and door products available. It is important to understand which products are fit for different applications.

Ballistic Glass: What Are My Choices?
As Total Security Solutions CEO Jim Richards explains, “There are many different ballistic glass products out there, all of them are fit for different applications—and most people call all of them ‘bulletproof glass,‘ no matter what they are.” Specifically, there are five types of bulletproof glass commonly sold today. You see them everywhere: pharmacies, banks, shops, schools, government buildings, community centers, houses of worship, and so on.
The five most common types of bulletproof glass are:
1. traditional laminated glass2. insulated ballistic glass
3. acrylic
4. polycarbonate
5. glass-clad polycarbonate
What is Glass Spalling and How Can it Be Avoided in Bulletproof Windows?
Windows are an important architectural and aesthetic consideration for any commercial or private structure. However, windows can be a weak point in your building's security, and an attempt to breach the building through the windows may result in spall.
Learn what spall is, your no-spall and low-spall options for ballistic glass, and what to consider when planning your next project.
Bulletproof Acrylic Glazing Explained
Acrylic glazing is one of the most popular bullet-resistant glass products in the TSS catalog. It is an affordable and durable solution for many interior bulletproof applications. Available in UL Levels 1 and 2, acrylic has a high level of visual clarity while protecting against shots from some of the most commonly-owned handguns.
Laminated Polycarbonate is one of the most versatile bullet-resistant glass products in the TSS catalog. It has a high resistance to forced-entry and can “catch” a bullet between its layers without shattering. Available in UL Levels 1 through 3, laminated polycarbonate can protect against shots from some of the most commonly-owned handguns.
Bulletproof glass-clad polycarbonate explained
Glass Clad Polycarbonate (GCP) is a robust and versatile bullet-resistant glass product available in a wide variety of make-ups and protection levels. It is well suited to both interior and exterior applications and is highly resistant to forced entry. Available in UL levels 1-8, GCP is the only ballistic glazing rated to stop high powered rifle fire.
Available in UL protection levels 1-5, bulletproof insulated glass protects against gunfire ranging from handguns to a rifle shot while providing higher R-value than non-insulated options. Whether you are looking to retrofit an existing facility or have a new project in mind, insulated glass is a great option for interior and exterior projects alike.
Ballistic Doors: 5 Things To Consider When Purchasing
When designing and installing bulletproof doors, there are a few critical considerations to keep in mind. Which way will the door swing? What hardware will you need? Is there any extra functionality required, such as electronic access?
Senior TSS Sales Consultant, Bob George, goes over our top 5 things to consider when choosing which ballistic doors are right for your threat level and protection needs. When you work with one of our professional bulletproof consultants, we’ll help you create a custom security system that includes bullet-resistant doors as part of an overarching safety plan.
Testing Level 3 Bulletproof Steel Door: Shot Over 100 Times
Glass-Clad Polycarbonate (more commonly known as GCP) is a combination of laminated class and polycarbonate. It can be manufactured to achieve UL levels 1-8. Typically used where optical quality, clean-ability, and long-term retention of properties are important.
The 8 Levels Of Bullet Resistance For Bulletproof Glass
There are eight levels of bullet resistance for bulletproof glass. These ratings are designated by the UL (Underwriter’s Laboratory) to determine the type of protection each level offers.
TSS DEFENDER Ballistic Protection And Forced Entry Glass Types
DEFENDER glass is an exterior product that offers a permanent solution to preventing forced entry and stopping ballistic attacks. We developed these specialty windows to answer calls from clients for a long-lasting solution that addresses multiple threats with one aesthetically pleasing barrier.
DEFENDER glass is ideal for:
- Schools
- Corporate offices
- Places of worship
- Hospitals
- Community centers
- Small businesses
Watch to find out which of the 3 types of TSS DEFENDER ballistic glass will meet your unique safety needs.
Having functional, reliable bulletproof doors is more important than ever. Our range of bulletproof doors are aesthetically pleasing and high-performing so you don’t have to leave anything up to chance.